How to Deploy a Chainlink Node with an Ethereum Client

Posted By : Shivam

Aug 31, 2020

What is Chainlink?


ChainLink is a (decentralized) network of computing nodes. It provides us with information/data from off-blockchain sources to on-blockchain smart contracts with the help of oracles. It bridges the gap between smart contracts on the blockchain and real-world applications.


The data sharing between the blockchain and the real world is known as “oracles”.





  • Docker- CE
  • PSQL Database
  • Terminal (Command Line)


Installing Docker


> curl -sSL | sh

> sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

> Exit

# log in again


Setting Up an Ethereum Client


To run a ChainLink full node, you first need an Ethereum client with a WebSocket connection (ws/wss).


Download the latest eth client version from docker hub:


docker pull ethereum/client-go:latest


Run the container:


docker run --name eth -p 8546:8546 -v ~/.geth:/geth -it ethereum/client-go --syncmode fast --ws --ipcdisable --wsaddr --wsorigins="*" --datadir /geth


Once the Eth node is synced completely, we can run the chainlink node.


Create an Environment File


mkdir ~/.chainlink


echo "ROOT=/chainlink






ALLOW_ORIGINS=*" > ~/.chainlink/.env


Now run the following command to add the Ethereum WebSocket URL to the environment file.


echo "ETH_URL=ws://$ETH_CONTAINER_IP:8546" >> ~/.chainlink/.env


Run the following command to add the PSQL Databases URL to the environment file


echo "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://$USERNAME:$PASSWORD@$SERVER:$PORT/$DATABASE" >> ~/.chainlink-ropsten/.env


Start the Chainlink Node


Now you can run the Docker image:


cd  docker run -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink local n


You may also like to read | The Increasing Inevitability of Hybrid Smart Contract Development


While first time running this docker image (smartcontract/chainlink ), it will ask for a password. This password will be the wallet password that you can use to unlock the keystore file generated for you. Then, you'll see a prompt to enter an API Email-address and Password.





Now you connect to your Chainlink node's user interface by opening  http://localhost:6688 in your web browser.


That’s it. Your Chainlink full node is all set now and you can now easily interact with the smart contracts on the Chainlink network and the Blockchain. Now, you can add some jobs and play around with the node.


For more information about your project development related to Chainlink, you may also connect with our skilled blockchain developers.

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