Monitor your favourite Liquidity Pool

Posted By : Prajwal

Dec 23, 2021

To monitor a liquidity pool on pancake swap you just need a few things to get started before writing the program itself.
1. Pair address (token 1 / token 2)
2. Token 1 address and abi
3. Token 2 address and abi

In the code given below I am monitoring the Cake/BNB pool from pancake swap. I am just monitoring a single token, the amount of cake incoming or outgoing,
you can also monitor BNB similarly along with cake.

Variables used below in code 'upperLimit' & 'lowerLimit' are just a threshold at which the program will stop running, it basically means when 1000 tokens are added to the pair
or removed from the pair, stop running the program.


const Web3 = require("web3");

const token1ABI = require('./token1abi.json');

//const token2ABI = require('./token2abi.json');

const token1Address = "0x0E09FaBB73Bd3Ade0a17ECC321fD13a19e81cE82";

//const token2Address = "0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c";

const pairAddress = "0x0eD7e52944161450477ee417DE9Cd3a859b14fD0";


const web3 = new Web3('');


var block = 0;

var balance = 0;

const upperLimit = 1000;

const lowerLimit = -1000;


const contract1 = new web3.eth.Contract(token1ABI, token1Address);

//const contract2 = new web3.eth.Contract(token2ABI, token2Address);


const events1 = setInterval(() => {

   contract1.getPastEvents('Transfer', { fromBlock: 'latest' })

   .then((events) => {




       if(events.length != 0) {


           if(block == events[0].blockNumber) {

               console.log("waiting for new block...");





           block = events[0].blockNumber;


           for(i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {


               if(events[i].returnValues[1] == pairAddress) {

                   var amount = (events[i].returnValues[2])/10**18;

                   balance += amount;



               if(events[i].returnValues[0] == pairAddress) {

                   var amount = (events[i].returnValues[2])/10**18;

                   balance -= amount;



           console.log("Live count = " + balance);

           if(balance >= upperLimit || balance <= lowerLimit) {








The place in the above code where I am using clearInterval(), that's where you be creative and do wonders with this small piece of code. 
you could create a function to run a transaction for yourself like withdraw or deposit Cake or BNB in or from the pool. Since every 
new block is formed after 3 seconds there is a very good chance for you to make some quick cash. Possibilities are endless you could also 
create some sort of an alarm to notify you whenever the limits are exceeded... Have fun with this!


Live count = 8
waiting for a new block...
waiting for a new block...
waiting for new block...
Live count = 7.863673201229996
waiting for new block...
Live count = 9.625894849052218
waiting for new block...
waiting for new block...
waiting for new block...
Live count = 9.625894849052218
waiting for new block...
waiting for a new block...
Live count = 9.625894849052218
waiting for a new block...
waiting for a new block...
Live count = 5.6679325103143


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